Monday, May 7, 2007


To agree or not to agree? You know the most unimaginable situations always occur for me.. A friend wants to do a portfolio to send to Milan for a job offer he is really looking forward to.. He asked if I could help him out for the pictures in his portfolio. Ok, the people who know me really well would know immediately why I wouldn't want to agree to this.. On one hand, he is a friend who needs help and who approached me for that help. It would mean something to him if I did help him out and I would love to help and I would be really happy to do all I can to see him doing well and get settled in something that interests him. At the same time, I'm so afraid of helping.. Photos! Are you kidding me? I cannot make it. As unbelievable as it may seem to some, considering the photos I always take when I'm bored, I am camera-shy. AND I'm not photogenic.At all. The last thing I need is for his portfolio to get rejected cuz the photos were not good enough.. So I don't know.. Got to respond to him soon.

Exams are approaching.. Too fast.. In four days.. Did i mention how I'm royally screwed? How i need more than 24 hours a day? How i miss everyone in my life? How i miss my life? How every minute spent with people close to me or every opportunity to see someone dear to me means so much? But that doesn't give some people the excuse to allow me to walk right into two cockroaches!! Not funny! June 6th.. Can't wait!!

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